We are spiritual-souls having a human-experience. Notwithstanding, we have forgotten through physical birth that we are infinite-consciousness able to perceive beyond the veil of the five physical-senses.
We can re-member and re-constitute our True-Self in order to shatter the illusions and delusions of maya: that we are merely our physical body, our name, our job-title, career, or social-status. The Ultimate Reality is that we are spiritual-souls with unlimited potential to create incalculable experiences through this game-of-life.
We are a bottomless well-spring of eternal bliss and joy regardless of physical appearances, perceptions, and projections of challenges, obstacles, or negative experiences. We are capable of tranquility within, through it all, with ease, grace, and eternal love.
All of our perceptions of bad things and negative experiences have manifested through a limited thought-matrix. These restraining, self-imposed matrices are something we can dissolve and continue to evolve into a new, limitless framework for our fulfillment as spiritual-souls having this human-experience.
Through inner-work, we can dismantle our false belief systems and reconfigure, rework, reprogram, and conclusively, renew our thought-matrix for the improvement of Self and the All; I am because we are: We are one.
We are the sovereign-authority of our experience, the soul-author of our thought-matrix and able to edit, change, and transform the script at-will, for our indivisible, individual soul-evolution and for the evolution of the All-Consciousness: the Most-High, One-And-True-Living-Creator of All Things, All Times, and All Dimensions. Seemingly, against all odds, we are fractals of God.
For further study on these concepts, read Sovereign Self: Claim Your Inner Joy and Freedom with the Empowering Wisdom of the Vedas, Upanishads, and Bhagavad Gita by Acharya Shunya.